I love morning. I love the stillness, the quiet, the promise and hope of something new. My favorite part of the morning is my uninterrupted time with Jesus. I long for it every morning. The sweet moments that I get to read my Bible and pray. The time I get to pour out my soul. All my hopes, hurts, concerns and joy. There is nothing like bearing my soul and not be judged for it at all. I talk He listens, He talks and I listen. There is nothing I long for more in this world. I am not telling you this so you think I am super spiritual. I am telling you this to give you hope. To give you a way to stay constantly connected. Do you get up everyday and spend time with Jesus. Do you plug yourself into the power source for your day?
You see I am not a great person by nature, but it is the One who lives in me that is great. I have learned over the years that my life line is Jesus. I am not a naturally patient person at all. Ask my family they are giving a huge amen for this statement. However, with the power of Jesus in my life I am becoming more and more patient every day. I have to plug in to the power source to even begin to have the power to be patient. Every morning when I get up and spend time with Jesus it gives me all the power I need to get through the day. It is the truth in my life, the peace, rest, assurance, joy and wisdom I need for my day. I would not have these things if I was not plugged in. It will do the same for you if you just plugged in.
The Word of God is alive and active. (Hebrews 4: 12) Jesus is the very bread of life. (John 6:35) When I wake up in the morning I am hungry so I eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is how you give your body what you need to get through the day. When I wake up my soul is hungry so I feast on the Word of God and get full. I am filled with Spirit and have all the power I need to get through my day.
Spending time with Jesus every morning gives us the power to work in the Spirit all day. My power as the day goes on sometimes dwindles. I lose some of my charge and start to not work as I was intended to. I may get a little short with people because the day is hammering me. I may decide to ignore someone because I remember how they have hurt me. I may just flat out say things that are not Christ like at all. When this happens I need to plug back in. It is like a cell phone, you plug it in to charge it. You want your battery on your phone to be full so you can use it without fear of it turning off because of the lack of power. If the battery is empty there is no power and you can not use the phone in the way it was intended to be used. With no power the phone will not do what it was created to do. When we spend time with Jesus we get all charged up, filled with Him and are able to perform the tasks for which he created us to do.
I get up in the morning to plug in to Jesus. He has all I need. He fills me, my battery to 100%. I find the more time I spend with him the more I want of Him. I don't want to be plugged in and unplugged and then plugged back in. I long desperately to be constantly plugged in. I want immediate access to power source at all times. You would never worry about your phone turning off if it was plugged in all the time. I don't want to worry about losing power I want to stay at 100%.
How do we stay at 100%. We stayed constantly connected. When you feel like you are running low turn up some worship music. Focus on Jesus and His love. When you feel like the day is just to much return to your Bible and let the Words sink into your soul. When the enemy comes at you to destroy you pray scripture out loud! The Word is Alive and active. Stay plugged in to the power source stay constantly connected.
I will be honest with you these things did not come easy for me. It takes discipline and sheer want to. I have always spent my mornings with Jesus but not connected all day. Honestly I allowed the enemy to tell me that too much Jesus would make people not want anything to do with me. I allowed the lie to seep into my life and thought if I had to much no one could relate and I couldn't advance God's kingdom that way. Oh what a lie and I am happy to say that Jesus broke the chain of that lie. Truth is you can never have enough Jesus. You only become unable to relate to people when you become like the Pharisees who think they know and are better than anyone else.
It's hard work to stay connected but over time it has become easier and actually just natural. Sometimes when life is hard I want to eat, but I stop and go to the bread of life instead. Sometimes when I don't seem to have the answers I need I go to Social Media instead of the one who has all the answers. I wonder if you are like that? Do you go to others sources for your needs to be met? I don't think I am alone at all. I do know that when I plug into the power source I long to stay there. I long to stay connected so I can have the power to get through my day and do the tasks He has called me to do.
What do you need today?
Rest? Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Life? The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. the words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life John 6:63
Truth? Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
Freedom? It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
Peace? And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
Comfort? Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of compassion and the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3
Wisdom? if any lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
He has all you need. Everything you need He has I promise. Do you get up in the morning and plug in? Do you stay plugged in? Start today, moment by moment, day by day. Take the first step and pray for God to help you take the next step. Proven fact, it takes 21 days to make a habit. I challenge you for the next 21 days to plug in. Plug in when you first wake up. Start with your eyes fixed on Jesus. I promise you there is nothing like it. I promise you after 21 days you will not plug in because you feel like you have to but because you want to. Plug in to the power source and stay constantly connected to Jesus. You will be so glad that you did.
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