Monday, August 17, 2015

Raise Them Up

It’s here, finally here, the day I have dreaded for what seems to be the last two years. My baby girl started Kindergarten. I have to admit I am anxious and apprehensive. I am scared for me. All the what ifs get me. Will she need me? What if she gets lost? I hope she eats her sandwhich first and not her cookies. What am I going to do alone? So much unknown that I get anxious.

We have a saying here in our house, “Be brave.” I have taught all three of my sweet ones this for a long time now. Be brave in Jesus because He is always with you. Be brave and courageous do not fear. In the mirror in our bathroom reads “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7.

 I wrote that there for my children to read as they get ready so they can know we are not to be fearful. Praying it over them so they can know they have power in God. So with a heavy heart, but a big smile on my face I got my sweet, fiery red head ready for school. I watched her as she walked ahead of me into school with her head held high, and holding her big brother’s hand and I whispered “Lord make her brave.”

I left her smiling and ready. Yes, she was ready. I then got in the car and prayed “Lord make me brave.” Sweetly and tenderly the Spirit reminded me “Train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6. My time is not up and deep down I know that. I know I have so much more training of those sweet babies to do. It is just a season. A new and exciting season to see my little baby birds fly. Oh and how I want them to fly.

As I drove away from the school I remembered all the seasons we have been through.I remember all the times of crying because teeth were coming in. It seems like if those blasted teeth would just break through the swollen pink gums everyone’s life would be so much easier. The times were we watched Elmo in Grouchland five times a day. Some days I went to bed at night thinking all I did was say no all day. I laid there many nights wondering if I was messing it all up or did I do anything right.  Was it okay that I just gave up and they ate brownies for lunch because I was tired of asking them to eat? Yes, yes it was because we were learning together.

Learning what it means to love each other, learning what rules are and how to follow directions. I believe with all my heart I am giving them the best I can give them because I pray for them, love them unconditionally and teach them the Word of God. I pray over them daily, and on days like today ALL DAY LONG.  It has not been easy but it is so worth it. When you can see the fruit of your labor you know that every sleepless night, days of crying together, days of dirty diapers, dishes, laundry and throw up is worth it. Today I watched all three of my children walk into school brave. With their heads held high, loving each other and knowing if momma wasn’t there Jesus was and always will be.

To all of you who still have little ones cherish every second. The good and the bad. I know the teething and terrible twos are horrid. You will get through it and you will be victorious. Take it from me I have been there.  Watch one more episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and sing “Hot dog, Hot dog, hot diggidy dog.” You will make it through it and that stage of life will be replaced all too soon with having a preteen! Pray for those babies and train them up in the way should go. They too can be brave. . It is worth all the work don’t give up. When it gets hard sweet friends call on Jesus. He is there for you to guide you. Call on Jesus when you are at the end of your rope and you think you can’t take one more ear infection, stomach virus or snotty nose. Don’t give up and when they all head to school keep training them in the way they should go. Don’t ever stop praying for them and teach them the Word. Let us raise Jesus loving, brave warriors for his kingdom together!!

So today I pray that we would all remember that no matter what stage or season in life we are in that we would be brave and not fearful because we have not been given a spirit of fe

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Constantly Connected

I love morning. I love the stillness, the quiet, the promise and hope of something new. My favorite part of the morning is my uninterrupted time with Jesus. I long for it every morning. The sweet moments that I get to read my Bible and pray. The time I get to pour out my soul. All my hopes, hurts, concerns and joy. There is nothing like bearing my soul and not be judged for it at all. I talk He listens, He talks and I listen. There is nothing I long for more in this world. I am not telling you this so you think I am super spiritual. I am telling you this to give you hope. To give you a way to stay constantly connected. Do you get up everyday and spend time with Jesus. Do you plug yourself into the power source for your day?

You see I am not a great person by nature, but it is the One who lives in me that is great. I have learned over the years that my life line is Jesus. I am not a  naturally patient person at all. Ask my family they are giving a huge amen for this statement. However, with the power of Jesus in my life I am becoming more and more patient every day. I have to plug in to the power source to even begin to have the power to be patient. Every morning when I get up and spend time with Jesus it gives me all the power I need to get through the day. It is the truth in my life, the peace, rest, assurance, joy and wisdom I need for my day. I would not have these things if I was not plugged in. It will do the same for you if you just plugged in.

The Word of God is alive and active. (Hebrews 4: 12) Jesus is the very bread of life. (John 6:35) When I wake up in the morning I am hungry so I eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is how you give your body what you need to get through the day. When I wake up my soul is hungry so I feast on the Word of God and get full. I am filled with Spirit and have all the power I need to get through my day.

Spending time with Jesus every morning gives us the power to work in the Spirit all day. My power as the day goes on sometimes dwindles. I lose some of my charge and start to not work as I was intended to. I may get a little short with people because the day is hammering me. I may decide to ignore someone because I remember how they have hurt me. I may just flat out say things that are not Christ like at all. When this happens I need to plug back in.  It is like a cell phone, you plug it in to charge it. You want your battery on your phone to be full so you can use it without fear of it turning off because of the lack of power. If the battery is empty there is no power and you can not use the phone in the way it was intended to be used. With no power the phone will not do what it was created to do.  When we spend time with Jesus we get all charged up, filled with Him and are able to perform the tasks for which he created us to do.

I get up in the morning to plug in to Jesus. He has all I need. He fills me, my battery to 100%. I find the more time I spend with him the more I want of Him. I don't want to be plugged in and unplugged and then plugged back in. I long desperately to be constantly plugged in. I want immediate access to power source at all times. You would never worry about your phone turning off if it was plugged in all the time. I don't want to worry about losing power I want to stay at 100%.

How do we stay at 100%.  We stayed constantly connected. When you feel like you are running low turn up some worship music. Focus on Jesus and His love. When you feel like the day is just to much return to your Bible and let the Words sink into your soul. When the enemy comes at you to destroy you pray scripture out loud! The Word is Alive and active.  Stay plugged in to the power source stay constantly connected.

I will be honest with you these things did not come easy for me. It takes discipline and sheer want to. I have always spent my mornings with Jesus but not connected all day. Honestly I allowed the enemy to tell me that too much Jesus would make people not want anything to do with me. I allowed the lie to seep into my life and thought if I had to much no one could relate and I couldn't advance God's kingdom that way. Oh what a lie and I am happy to say that Jesus broke the chain of that lie. Truth is you can never  have enough Jesus. You only become unable to relate to people when you become like the Pharisees who think they know and are better than anyone else.

It's hard work to stay connected but over time it has become easier and actually just natural. Sometimes when life is hard I want to eat, but I stop and go to the bread of life instead. Sometimes when I don't seem to have the answers I need I go to Social Media instead of the one who has all the answers. I wonder if you are like that? Do you go to others sources for your needs to be met? I don't think I am alone at all. I do know that when I plug into the power source I long to stay there. I long to stay connected so I can have the power to get through my day and do the tasks He has called me to do.

What do you need today?
Rest? Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Life? The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. the words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life John 6:63

Truth? Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Freedom? It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Peace? And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Comfort? Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of compassion and the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3

Wisdom? if any lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

He has all you need. Everything you need He has I promise. Do you get up in the morning and plug in? Do you stay plugged in? Start today, moment by moment, day by day. Take the first step and pray for God to help you take the next step. Proven fact, it takes 21 days to make a habit. I challenge you for the next 21 days to plug in. Plug in when you first wake up. Start with your eyes fixed on Jesus. I promise you there is nothing like it. I promise you after  21 days you will not plug in because you feel like you have to but because you want to. Plug in to the power source and stay constantly connected to Jesus. You will be so glad that you did.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Power In A Name


What's in a name? A couple constants and vowels put together to form a word. Our parents give us a name when we are born so the world has something to call us. Some names are precious and passed down in a family. Other names are chosen for what they mean, or because our parents just liked it. Personally I am glad we are not named like the Smurfs who get there names from their traits. I fear my mother would have to name me Spastic. I like Melissa so much better.

There is one name that has such great power in it. A name that is above all names, that at the sound of it every knee will bow and tongue confess that he is Jesus Christ our Lord. (Philippians 2:9-11) A name that all you need to do is call on it and you will be saved. There is power in the name of Jesus.
                                     And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:21
JESUS, when you call on his name and believe in it with all that you are, you will be saved! He is the only way to salvation. He is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) There is power in the name of Jesus.

I was challenged to put that to the test through the books I had been reading and my personal Bible Study. To call on his name in times of need and trouble. Not a huge time of prayer, which is great, but a simple Jesus when I didn't know what else to do. There are times in my life, I am afraid they happen often, when my emotions get the better of me and I can not remember all those scripture I have memorized. So I tried it, to just say Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus and I was going to use that power. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I believe its not just for salvation but saved from every situation life throws at us. Every situation that threatens to rips us away from Jesus. I was bound and determined to use the Power of Jesus' name.

One day while trying to get homework finished, debating on when we could go outside, and if they really needed another snack I said, "JESUS, JESUS, JESUS." All three kids stopped and stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I was shocked. They looked at me like they had never heard that name before. They all just stared at me. I am pretty sure they were thinking she has really gone crazy this time. They listened to rest of the afternoon, probably out of fear of another outburst. It worked or did it?

I tried a few more times and it just changed things for a little while.  I was jut saying Jesus to say it and not believing in what I was saying. It was a distraction and a means to get what I wanted. We often do things and expect God to work for us when we get something out of it. That's not how it works. He loves us and absolutely wants great things for us but he wants us to believe. There is power in the name of Jesus but we need to believe. Believe that at his name every knee will bow. Believe that there are angels in heaven right now singing day and night "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God all mighty. Who was and is and is to come." (Revelation 4:8) Believe that when you call on his name you will be saved. We must BELIEVE there is power in his name.

With a contrite heart I was determined to trust in the name of the Lord.  
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10)
That trust was put to test rather quickly. It had been a long day. The kind of day were nothing disastrous happened but everything seemed to go wrong. It was at the end of the day and I was at the end of my rope and my sweet 4 year old was at her strong willed worst.  As you can guess there was about to be a major explosion. There would be no fireworks because they are beautiful and what was about to happen was going to be gruesome.

It was bath time and I filled the tub to just the right level and temperature. Well at least I thought so. My sweet little one hopped in the tub and screamed at the top of her lungs, "It's too hot!" I rushed over plunged my hand in the water to find out the water was LUKEWARM! I calmly told her to sit down and take a bath. She not so calmly told me no and it was still hot. I calmly asked her to sit down and even added in a please. I guess the please made her mad because she screamed a little louder that it was too hot. The water may not have been hot but this momma was passed hot. I closed my eyes and sang with belief
                "Let it be Jesus, the first name that I call.
                  Let it be Jesus, my song inside the storm."
As I sang she started crying and telling me she couldn't sit down because the water was to hot. I looked at her and sang
                 "I'll never need another.
                   For me to live is Christ, For me to live is Christ."
Then in that moment she grabbed her heart and closed her eyes and sang
                "God I breath your name above everything
                  Let it be, Let it be Jesus."
We smiled at each other and she sat down and finished her bath. Eric was cracking up laughing in the next room. He had been cleaning up her room and heard the entire thing. I couldn't help but smile. Sure she needed to be corrected but in that moment if I would have it would have been in all the wrong way. I needed Jesus in that moment to save me from myself. I called on him and he showed up in POWER. Right there in my bathroom. His presence was thicker than the steam and thicker than my emotions. I called his name and he showed up. What could have turned into a nasty side of me turned into a moment of showing me sweet baby what happens when we breath God's name over everything. He shows up because there is power in the name of Jesus. I smiled too because I knew Jesus was smiling down at the two of us.

Jesus' namehas power. His name is a strong tower, a fortress, a refuge for us to run to and be safe. (Proverbs 18:10) When we call on his name we are saved. Speak it today. Speak his name and believe in it. Speak his name when you are feeling down. Speak his name when you feel like everything is going wrong. Speak his name when you feel like you just may go right back to that cycle of sin. Speak his name when you feel like your worst self. Speak his name there is Power in the name of Jesus. Try it today and believe it I promise he will show up.

*Let it be Jesus is sung by Christy Nockels and the Passion band. You should listen to it. Its amazing.*

Thursday, May 28, 2015

He Is

It's so early. My eyes don't seem to want to open and I can't get the coffee in fast enough. The kids are out of school and I can feel summer. Lazy days and lots of playing and laughing with the kids. I should be sleeping in but I need this time. The moments in the quite to talk with God and share my thoughts, my worries, fears, excitement. I sit in my favorite chair with my Bible open and my head lifted toward heaven. I sit and breath in the presence of the Holy Spirit and let it refresh my soul. I wonder what the day will bring and as I open my eyes and look to the right I see a cross. A cross made of wood that is simply the framework to the front door window. It is so much more than that this morning, its a promise. A promise that He is here and He is enough. The sun beams through  the soft glow of dawn that proclaim its a new day. A new day for Him to be all I need. He is enough for today and everyday. The sun illuminates the cross and my heart swells and sings "Christ is Enough for Me."

A beautiful reminder that no matter what comes my way today He is enough. If trouble comes, He is still enough. If the kids run around wild, He is enough. If my friends call or don't call, He is enough. If I finish all I set out to accomplish or I don't, He is enough. If my world falls apart around me, He is enough. If my day is perfect and the best I have had ever, He is enough. Jesus gave me the breath in my lungs, the hairs on my head, my days that have been planned out before time began, and he gave me grace and it is enough.

As I sit in God's presence and smile as I look at that beautiful cross in my home, that reminder that he loves me so sweetly and tenderly, all I can think is "Lord you are enough, all I need, all I need and you are enough. Thank you for your grace. Grace that gives me hope, gives me greater faith and gives me salvation!" The cross is grace. Unearned favor with God. Love that I can not imagine. A love for me and you that lead him down a dirty road with thorns on his brow, cross on His back to be crucified for me. Grace that I can not fathom with my human mind. Why? Why would he love me enough? This ugly souled, sinful girl who only wanted to please herself and didn't care about herself or anyone for that matter. Why? Why would he break His body for this broken girl? Because He Loves me. He loves you. Loves us enough to be enough. Loves us enough to show grace when we did not deserve it. We have all sinned and deserve death (Romans 6:23) but Jesus gave his life that we may have life and have it abundantly. The cross is grace. A horrific, beautiful display of grace.

In order for us to be made whole Jesus gave His life on that cross. The cross that reminds us that He is payment for our sins so we may live. We are forgiven because of God's grace. (Ephesians 2:5) Nothing else can save us. There is no other way to forgiveness. Jesus is the only way. (John 14:6) There is nothing we can do to deserve it. No amount of being good. Just Jesus. What an amazing thing that we do not have to have it figured out, we don't have to do good things, we can just come to him. Come in our brokenness and He puts us back together. He is enough. He can do it. He can take every situation and make it beautiful. Grace is our gift. (Ephesians 2:8) We do not earn it. It is a gift. Our salvation is our gift and He is enough. My soul, your soul can find rest in God's grace. Jesus gave His life so we may be free. Free from eternal separation from God, free from the bondage of sin on our life. He is enough.

God's grace saves me everyday. God's grace did not stop at the cross. My eternal life is secure because I put my faith and trust in Christ. Saved. However, it goes so much deeper. He shows me grace all day long. When I might yell at my kids and it is a but much. Forgiveness, grace and power to not do it again. When I lack the faith I need. Forgiveness, grace and power to have more faith than before. When I respond in a way that is anything but Christ like. Forgiveness, grace and power to act more like Him. God's grace is never ending. The cross is enough. He is enough. Jesus died once for all to do away with sin (Hebrews 9:26) and to give us all the grace and power we need to live this life.

When you see the cross what do you see? Do you see God's grace? Do you know that it is enough? Are you like so many of us who have heard about it over and over and it has lost its meaning? Have we looked for more in this world instead of more Jesus? Our world tells us everyday get more, get more. Do you feel as if Jesus would be enough if you could just get to the next stage in life? He would be enough if you could just be financially stable. If you could just get out of school? If you could just get married? Would Jesus be enough then? Truth is He is more than all those things and so many others. When we see the cross as God's grace and live in that He is enough. He is our great reward. What could be better than joy in suffering? Peace when the bank account is empty? Relationship when your alone? Comfort in times of trouble? He is. He is all those things to you and me. He is enough. No matter what is happening in my life I have a relationship with Jesus and that is enough. The cross that reminds me I now have access to God is enough. Why would I want anything else that this corrupt world has to offer? Why would I want those things when the God that spoke this world into being called my name. He calls my name and your name. He loves you and sent His Son to die for us so that we may know Him. He is enough.

When life gets in the way and you lose your way and you can't remember then "Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need" Hebrews 4:16. He is with you, always with you. Call to Him boldly and confidently and hold on to the grace of God. He is enough.  I promise if you dare yourself to believe you will see that Jesus is always enough.

I am praying for you. I may not know you but God does and as I type these words I pray that "Out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to the power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. " Ephesians 3:16-21

He is enough believe it today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

NEVER give up

It's dark and dreary outside today. It seems so fitting because it is really how I feel lately. I have a nice mark on my forehead from the rug on the living room floor. I feel like I have lived there praying and pleading. Believe me it is not because I am "super spiritual" but because I just don't know what else to do. Day after day I pray and plead and there are no answers. Not one answer just more disappointing news each day. I wonder if I am doing it all wrong. Am I not being bold enough? Heaven knows I am loud enough! Still nothing until I can't take the silence anymore and break down and cry please! "Please answer me, please!" I don't know what else to say but please. So for a good ten minutes I cry and whisper please. Still no answer but a peace comes. The peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) comes and wraps up my soul. My heart and soul are calmed and stilled and I truly know He is for me. I stand resolved (and forehead rug burned) to not lose hope.

Twice this week God has brought me Luke 18:1-8. A parable Jesus is telling the disciples about always praying and never giving up. A widow goes to a judge day after day begging for justice. Day after day he tells her no. After some time he finally gives her what she is asking for. He granted her requested because she was bothering him and he wanted her to quit coming to him. Jesus is never, let me repeat that NEVER, bothered by you and he wants you to ALWAYS come to him. Jesus is using this parable to teach you to NEVER GIVE UP. Do not quit asking him, he will answer. I have been told I can be persistent and pushy. Now I don't want to admit it but I am. So, I will keep pushing and begging, "Please Lord, Please!"

Never give up hope. Don't stop asking. I have a favorite TV series Once Upon A Time. My favorite characters are Prince Charming and Snow White. They are not my favorite because of all the romance, although it helps. They are my favorite because they NEVER GIVE UP hope. They always fight for hope. Time and time again their hope is what rally's everyone else and wins the day. Then the time of peace comes for a short time and more trouble comes. Even though their peace is short and they are always fighting for the good of the town they do not give up. They NEVER GIVE UP. They have faith and hope that good wins every time. That is so true. Good wins every time. I am reminded of a verse spoke by Jesus himself, "I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Don't lose hope your answer is coming. I have learned in my waiting for an answer my relationship with Jesus is so much deeper. It is so much stronger. I feel like he is pulling me into his heart and showing me more of who he is. As I struggle and pull and press and plead I see him. Yes I see his face and I see his faithfulness. He is faithful. So faithful to us. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our LORD is faithful. 1 Corinthians 1:9.

As I wait for an answer I receive a reward. The reward of Jesus and knowing him. In the never giving up I am being made into a better me. A girl who never loses hope in the Savior of the world. A girl who never loses hope in the one who has always rescued her from every situation. In our waiting for an answer we get more JESUS! That is so much better than an answer isn't it? To know deeply the creator of the universe. To have a faith that can move mountains because you chose to never give up, but to keep pursuing him.

Take heart today He has overcome. He will answer you and you have already received the victory in Christ Jesus. You are not alone sweet friend. I know it is hard to wait as I sit here and type I am still waiting. Take heart he is with you and with me. He longs for communion with us and even though he may be silent Jesus is there with you and me. NEVER GIVE UP. Pray until you receive your answer. NEVER GIVE UP.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Battle Together

I often sit and wonder if anyone else feels as alone as I do? I know you must be thinking "How can anyone who stays at home with her 3 kids feel so alone?" I do. I often feel alone when in a room filled with people. I wonder if anyone else struggles with the same insecurities as I do? I wonder if they will would like me if they knew? I wonder if they would still like me if they knew I do not have it together? I wonder if they even liked me before they knew? Why do I do this? It's the enemy pouring lies into my ears. It's the way the enemy gets me down and distracted. I have learned how to battle this by picking up my sword (Bible) and fighting back with Scripture. I have learned to call on Jesus' name if I can't think of anything else to say. I daily fight the feelings of being alone. God reminds me daily that He is always with me and he has given me everything I need to fight this struggle in my life. He also reminds me often I do not need to battle the enemy alone.

 I know if I would choose to lay myself out there and fight this fight with others it is highly probable that I could win. Think about it. How many times have wars been won by one person? It takes a group of people fighting together following the lead of a commander. Our commander, God, has given us all the tools we need. He has given us the Holy Spirit in which we have all power in, and he has given us his Word to guide us. God has given us himself and ultimate Victory through him. So I ask you this question today, who do you do battle with? Do you have anyone you take your deepest sorrow, struggles, and temptations to?

I am remind in scripture how important this relationship with other believers is. I think fondly on the relationship of David and Jonathon. David the future King of Israel and Jonathon the son of the current king. Such and unlikely pair. They fought side by side in battle, Jonathon hid him from the king, his father, who wanted to kill David. They has a friendship that bonded them closer than brothers. In a cry of David in 2 Samuel 1:26 David says; “I grieve for you Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of a woman.” What a friendship indeed. When David’s wife came to be disgusted with him I am sure he ran and told Jonathon. When David was tired of hiding and running for his life I am sure he and Jonathan had many long talk by the fire. I am sure they shared their lives with each other. Had they not shared their lives David would not have grieved Jonathon in such a manner.

God longs for us to have these types of relationships. Often, so often we feel we do not need to share our lives with anyone other than our family or significant other. I am not sure if somewhere along the way we like keeping secrets. We pretend everything is fine on the outside because we are scared we will be judged or condemned. We never share our struggles or sins because we think no one can understand why we do them.

Lies, more lies the enemy whispers hatefully in our ears to keep us in our pit of defeat. The Bible teaches us to “Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2. Yes carry each other’s burdens. Talk to each other share your life with someone and have them share theirs with you. The Bible also tells us to “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayers of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16  Did you see the promise in that verse? Confess yours sins to each other, not don’t tell it’s a secret! Confess it for what reason? So that others can pray with you and for you and you may be healed! Praise the Lord you will be healed. Now don’t you see why Satan wants you to be stuck in that sin and it be kept a secret? He does not want you to be healed. God wants you to be healed and have victory! Tell each other your struggles and your sins get on your knees and pray for each other and with each other that we all may be healed!

I have heard my sweet husband say so many times when speaking to young people “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12.  There is so much truth in that verse. In our battle for victory in this life we must pick up our sword and do battle but WOW at what an impact we would have for the Kingdom of God if we did it together. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

Do you have this kind of friendship? How might you be that friend today? Do you have friends that may need just a sweet note of encouragement or a sweet I am thinking about you phone call? Do you know someone who needs a friend? Someone needs to take the first step in reaching out why not let it be you?

Do you know someone who continually reaches out and no matter what is always there for you? Do you have someone in your life that is fighting and wielding their sword for you? Reach out to them today and say thank you. I would like to challenge you today to look for ways that God is prompting you to be that friend. Be brave and take a step of faith and lay your heart out there for someone else. I know it’s hard we guard our hearts fiercely. Be brave enough to put it out there and you might just receive more than you ever dreamed.

Let us be a people that does battle together. We are under a commander who has already won the war let us live in that victory.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Be Brave

Life often is hard and unforgiving. I watch and read the news and wonder, why? Why so much pain and suffering? How can people be so cruel? I wonder, though I do not like to admit it, God why so much pain? Then I think of my own pain. The struggles, the everyday fight with in, and fight to be all I can be. I question, if I can be completely transparent, wonder the same about my life. God how is this right? How can this God loving woman question? I do, and sometimes it's because life seem to be just to much. More betrayal then I thought a person could or should for that matter experience. Stress and unmet expectation of life that cause me  pain and actual sores in my mouth from worry. Then I question and dare to ask a sovereign God why. Why is all of this happening? Haven't I gave you all of me? Haven't I sacrificed my husband so he can serve you? Have I not given all of me to others who give me nothing in return? Lord, why? Why pain? Why hardship? God is this another lesson I need to learn in life? Its hard. I know the answers to these questions. He is sovereign, and He does know what is best for me, and he does have a plan for my life, but it hurts. So, I study, I pray, I lift my hands and worship, but no relief. I was losing hope. Hope is powerful it keeps us going, but I was losing mine and then as if lighting struck in my very home my hope was restored.

It was 5:30am and I was all snuggled up in the recliner. My coffee sat smoking on the end table as I tuck my knees up underneath me and pulled the blanket up tight. I drug my tongue across the inside of my cheek and was reminded of the painful sores in my mouth. The sores that came from all the worry of the days before. Bad news, heart breaking stories of friends lives turned upside down accompanied by uncertainty in the work place. I sat in that chair and took a deep breath laid my hands on my Bible and whispered softy, " Lord, please, I need you. I need your breath from heaven breathing on and in my life, please. I know you, I know you are faithful and true. I am broken and in need of you, please." I opened my Bible and began to read from Romans. I came across a familiar verse and then lighting. Complete revelation. I called on the Lord he heard my cry and answered me.

Romans 1:16-17
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will LIVE by faith." (emphasis added)

My heart sored and I did a little dance right there in my living room. My soul leapt at the words of God that are so alive. Yes, I believe God came for all. Yes, I know righteousness is found in God alone. However, I had not been LIVING in faith!

Maybe my lack of faith was because the lenses that I view life out of were muddy. Life was pouring, I mean a thunderstorm with the ability to flood all in its way. I had the wrong perspective. I had allowed the storm off life to build up like mud on my glasses and therefore cause me to stumble and fall. I sat there like a two year old kicking and screaming for someone to come and get me. When all I had to do was run. Run to the one that I knew was there. Run to the voice that was calling me, run to the one that has ALWAYS been true. The one and only God who has never left me. The God who loves me just as I am and always forgives. But no, it was much more comfortable to sit there and scream and shake my fist and say where are you? I couldn't see. I couldn't see past the mud and gunk of life.

What if I would be brave? If I were brave, I would take off the glasses and run! No! If I were truly brave I would leave the muddy glasses on and RUN! Run straight to Jesus with the glasses on because it doesn't matter if I can see. It doesn't matter what life has handed me because we live by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) I run because his arms are wide open always ready. Arms that are Almighty and Everlasting.

Lord, I want to be brave! I want to be brave in this situation. No, I want to be brave in ALL situations. The small things and the big things. Forgive me for sitting down in the mud and screaming. Make me brave and run to you in all things. I want to be brave and say like Paul,
I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstance. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13

I want to be brave! I want to be brave! He is calling me out of the boat and I want to be brave! I want to have true faith. Unquestioning faith that carries me passed every situation and carries me straight to Jesus. So as life still storms I am looking through different glasses. Looking to the one that is with me in the storm. Allowing the storm to bring about living water in my life that reaches to all the pain and bears good fruit. Fruit that will last and bring Him glory.

Are you looking at life through the right glasses? Are the muddied up from life? Run! Be Brave and Run to the one that is calling you out of that place. LIVE in your faith. Trust him for He is good. Be brave!

More than Enough

It was a week day morning and things started out the way they always do. I crawl out of bed, wonder to the coffee pot hoping not to stub my toes on the table as I walk there. Turn the coffee on and settle in my chair. I open my Bible take a deep breath of coffee and smile as I get to spend some sweet time with Jesus. Thirty minutes go by and I am at such peace just me and my Savior.  As soon as I get up from that chair things just go south. I begin the normal routine of waking up 3 children and getting everyone ready for school. I should just get a bull horn and shout let the chaos begin because somehow that's what happens. There are teeth to be brushed, that lets just face it I have to force my 7 year old son to do, hair to be brushed and put together and its not mine. In all this where is that sweet wonderful husband of mine? Well he is getting himself ready while my 4 year old is screaming she doesn't want the crust on her poptart today! How was I supposed to know that because just yesterday she yelled at me for taking it off! So here comes my man, oblivious to the chaos and ready and relaxed to start his day. He not one time notices the kids are running around like wild animals and the dog is peeing on the floor!
 My time with Jesus seems like something that happened 10 years ago and not just 30 minutes ago. Then like lightning a switch goes off inside me. Instead of acting like a  beautiful woman of God out comes  Malifacent! I  mean full blown fire breathing dragon. I yell and scream and pout and say things I really don't mean. I pull myself together and with fire still on my lips and black scales on my skin I kiss those sweet kids good bye and hug my husband and send them off to work and school.  The door closes behind them and I wait and then find myself sitting on the floor crying. Then the accusations come "Your crazy who acts like that to there family?" "You are worthless and will never be good enough for them." " You are such a disappointment, they will never love you like that." "Everything you do fails."
It was a familiar place for me. I have been on that floor telling myself those lies many times.  Satan has been hissing those lies in my ears for years. I believed them too. Believed every single one and believed I truly deserved to be on that floor crying. Something happened one day that changed everything. As I sat believing the lies I heard a loud sweet voice. "STOP, Melissa it doesn't have to be this way, STOP." It wasn't hateful or demeaning it was sweet and tender. I sat bewildered, I knew that voice. I have heard it before but never when I was on the floor completely hating myself. I heard it again in my ear a small whisper "No more, this is enough." I knew it was Jesus there coming to my rescue.  The one and only healer of my heart coming to my side. "No more, you have lived like this for far to log. Get up read my word, its true, its promises are true. Deal with this head on with me and your sword (Bible). I love you and this is not my plan for you."
So I pulled myself up, got back in that chair and opened my Bible. I was tired, tired of being in that place. So I opened my Bible and turned to the concordance and found tired it lead me to Isaiah 40:30 but I decided to start in verse 28.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youth grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

I sat there and cried. It was that good cry, a cry of relief. The Lord my God is everlasting. He will give us strength and even though we may fall apart we can soar on wings  like eagles. You see I figured out that day it would be a tough journey but God's plan for my life, your life, is to not just survive but to soar! To fly. Fly above the way you see yourself and to begin to see yourself as the beautiful treasure you are to Jesus. Fly to a place where the love of God and the love he has for you erases every doubt, and fear. A place where disappointment doesn't rule you and lies no longer command you. He alone will give you the strength in each and every circumstance that  may come. You may grow tired but have you not heard? He NEVER grows tired. He is always fighting for you.
So let's get up off that floor and run to the one who has his arms wide open waiting for you. He wants you to Fly.

Monday, March 2, 2015


I love super heroes. I mean it is so bad that I am sure I will be at the theatre the day The Avengers: Age of Ultron opens. I have always been fascinated by the epic war of good verse evil. Throw in some super powers and web slinging, bow shooting, hammer throwing, flying, shield throwing, and great combat skills and I am like on adrenaline overloaded after the movie. I honestly want to fight for something good. Fight for the underdog, lonely, forgotten, abused and used. I admire our real life freedom fighters, our soldiers and police men and women who fight for our protection and freedom daily.

My love for this freedom fighting comes from feeling like the oppressed, the forgotten. I want and long to fight for them to be the one that runs in and saves the day at the last minute. Although, I will never be a soldier I do belong to the original freedom fighter. The one who came and saved the day for us all, Jesus. He came into this world to buy our freedom with His life. He bled, died, and rose again to free us from our sin and give us eternal life. Freedom reigns with Jesus.

Our freedom does not stop at salvation. Sure we are forgiven of past sin and now belong to the One and Only God of all creation but guess what? We still mess up and we still sin. We are human and we still fight against our flesh. Jesus is faithful and just and He forgives us when we confess and repent from our sins. However we do NOT have to be slaves to this life of sin.
             For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin - because anyone who has died has been freed form sin. Romans 6:6-7 (NIV)
Jesus came and died to set the captives free! You and I are captives to our sin but we can be free. Freedom reigns with Jesus.

A slave or a captive is someone who is one dominated by some influence. (Webster's New World Dictionary) We can all be free from these chains of influence. We do not have to be dominated by them. We have everything we need to be freed from them. We just have to use it. Freedom can and will reign in our lives when we surrender to the power of the WORD. Jesus teaches us in John 8:31-32 that the truth will set us free but first we must hold to his teachings.
         For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged  sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart. Hebrews 4:12
        so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
God's word is alive and active and it accomplishes what it sets out to do. It can and will set us free if we hold to it with all that we have! Freedom reigns in our life when God's word reigns in our hearts. Scripture has the power to break every stronghold of
Whatever you struggle with God's word has the power to break the chains!

There is freedom in Jesus. We do not have to live in defeat. We do not have to live life in chains caused by sin and circumstance. We have power through scripture, prayer, and the Holy Spirit to demolish every stronghold. ( 2 Corinthians 10:3-5) We have power to walk in freedom and we must hold tight to the freedom we have in the truth. Jesus says "When the SON has set you free you are free indeed." John 8:36  Let us walk and live in that freedom. Freedom reigns in Jesus.

For me it is a daily struggle. Sometimes it is much easier to get up and put the chains back on because it is comfortable. Sure, I long to be free from them but the fear of not knowing what to do with them keeps me putting them back on. If I actually let go of them then what? If I let go of the unforgiveness that I have carried what will I do? If I let go of the anger then what? It is a daily, I will repeat myself, a daily fight. After all the struggling and fighting and finally surrender the victory is so sweet. The grace, mercy, peace and love that comes from Jesus is so sweet. It is always better than we can imagine. Jesus is worth every ounce of the fighting to rid myself of the chains. Freedom reigns in Jesus.
I fight for the truth daily. As a soldier who puts on his uniform and gets ready for war, I daily get up and put on my armor because I know that our struggle is against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:10-18) I also pray for you daily, though I may not know you I truly long for you to be free in Jesus. I fight for you to know the sweet truth of Jesus that sets us all free. As a former slave myself who knows what it is like to wear chains of sin I tell you the truth that I have tasted of the Lord and he is so good! He is loving, faithful and true. He is kind and gentle and trustworthy. He is forgiving and just. He is so good. So I fight in the Spirit for your freedom daily. Fight today, wield your sword, choose to believe, call on the power of his name, surrender to the Holy Spirit and let freedom reign!
Freedom reigns in Jesus.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

All You Need

It is tax season. I know some people love this time of the year because it means a nice refund. However, I do not share the same excitement. I actually dislike this time of the year with a great passion. With Eric being a minister filing our taxes gets real tricky. So as we gathered all our necessary paperwork last week my frustration heightened. I could not find one paper! That one paper created a mess on my closet floor as I dug and tossed out paper after paper. Finally the paper I needed and a mountain of papers I did not. Out of frustration I decided I was going to burn those useless pieces of paper. After all I was burning up they should be too. I went outside and tossed them in the fire pit. John grew very excited because,for some reason I can not understand,little boys sure do like to play with fire. He begged to be the one to set those papers ablaze. I reluctantly let him since I was really ready to take out my frustrations on those papers. John lit the papers and at first they burned fast and hot. Then after a little while they died down and burned steady. After awhile I thought the fire was out but I poked around and moved some papers and WHAM! The fire took off. In a moment I was not only hit in the face with large puffs of smoke but a whiff of truth as well. We all as Christians have all we need to live a life blazing for Christ.

Those of us who have read the Bible at all or who have attended to church know that we are more than conquerors in Christ. (Romans 8:37) We know we can do all things in Christ who gives us strength. (Phillipians 4:13) Yet, it seems, that many of us do not actually live that way. We start off our Christian walk just like my fire, hot and burning up for Jesus then we allow life to get in the way and our fire slowly but surely becomes so small that it barely burns at all. Life comes at us hard and fast and we curl up in the corner and live defeated. We have all we need to live a life on fire for Christ every minute of every day. No matter what the circumstance, no matter what the situation our fire in our soul should not have to die down.

We have a promise given to us from Jesus himself. "But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and will tell you what is yet to come." John 16:13 The Holy Spirit WILL guide us in ALL TRUTH. He will guide us and will speak to us. Jesus did not say maybe he will. He did not say if the Spirit feels like it. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will guide us and speak to us. We have all we need to live this life on fire for Christ.

The Holy Spirit lives in us who believe. God gives us the Spirit with out limit. (John 3:34) We have all we need right there living in us. We can call on him day and night. He doesn't sleep, doesn't take a lunch break. The Spirit is always there with us. He goes with us in all situations. He walks with us in all circumstances. We have all we need to live in victory not defeat.

How? Right? How do we live this life when it is more than we can bear? How do we have power when its unfair? How do we have victory when all we feel is rejection? How do we have patience when we are tired of waiting? How do we have peace when everything is all over the place? How do we be bold when we are scared to death?

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8) Pray and ask God to give you wisdom and he will give it to you without finding fault. (James 1:5) Don't be anxious but instead pray and give thanks. (Philippians 4:6) Tell God what worries you because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) Humble yourself before God and He will lift you up/ (James 4:10) Seek God first in all you do and all things will be given to you. (Matthew 6:33) All you need is found in him and him alone and God has given you the Holy Spirit to speak to you all truth so you can live!

The papers in my fire pit were smothering the small fire. When I moved them around the fire was allowed to breath and that small fire took hold of those papers and caught fire and burned. If we would rearrange the things in our life and allow the Holy Spirit room to move in our life we would  burn bright. If we allowed to Holy Spirit room he would be in every part of our life and we would hear him when He speaks the truth of God's word in our heart.

We can truly have victory in all things because the Spirit of truth resides in us. We have all we need we just have to use it and allow it room to move. Jesus gave his life and defeated death so we could live. God sent us the Holy Spirit so we could live in truth not defeat. We have all we need to burn brighter than the sun.

Would you be willing to ask God to show you what and if there are things in your life that need to be moved around? Would you be willing to ask God if you are truly listening for his voice in all your situations? Would you be willing to pray like King David Psalm 51:10-12
                  Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
                  Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
                  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

God loves you deeply and longs for you to live in victory not defeat. You have all you need.

Friday, January 23, 2015

No Need to Perform

WE live in a performance driven world. It seems if we perform more it will make us more of a somebody. It seems we are driven by parents, coworkers, friends, and media to do more. If you make better grades you can get into the right school. If you get into the right school you get  the right job. If you date the right person you will have the perfect marriage. If you parent by the book ( I might need that book) then you will have the perfect kids. We drive ourselves crazy and make ourselves exhausted performing to reach something that let's just face it isn't real.

I believe it is a horrible lie satan has fed us that in order to be somebody we must kill ourselves trying to be someone else. We look and compare our lives to others on TV, at work, other families and we think that is how our lives should look.  We believe we must do more to be loved and accepted by others. It is as if we are anything but ourselves then we are something. If we let people see the "real" us then we might not be accepted. So we do more, try harder. I am in no way saying we shouldn't work hard at things, in fact, we should do all things as if unto the Lord. (Colossians 3:17) We just shouldn't perform for others to be accepted.

I believe sometimes we take this same mentality into our spiritual life. We try to perform and please for acceptance and love from Jesus. I know I have. I would try and try to just do more. Join anther team, take on another project, get more girls involved in Bible Study, teach more, write better, do everything. It was as if I did more than I could take all those things to Jesus and say "see all these things I am carrying and doing now will you love me. Am I worth your acceptance now?" Yes, me a girl who has been in love with Jesus for 12 years now was trying to gain love by working. I don't believe it started out that way. It started off as service out of my deep love for him and then slowly I started to believe the lie that I had to perform.

As I was sitting in my chair one morning talking with Jesus I just started crying. I said "Lord I am so exhausted from doing all these things for you.' He sweetly whispered back " I never asked you to do all those things. Some I did, but not all of it." I argued, yes argued " If I am to be worth you dying for, and if I am to pay you back for paying my debt then I have to work for you." He whispered, "All I want is you. All I ever wanted was you." Right then and there I felt all the chains around my heart and hands fall. I felt freedom. Freedom that comes when you hear the truth and it sets you free from every lie. Jesus says, "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

The truth of it is all Jesus wants is us. There is no need to perform. He wants us to come to Him and give Him our heart. He did not die on the cross for us to make ourselves exhausted doing "churchy" things. He didn't die for you to become exhausted working for acceptance. He didn't die asking us to work oursleves into the ground trying to earn salvation and acceptance. In fact he died wanting just us.  
Ephesians 2:4-5 But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved.(NIV)
He loved you before you were even trying to gain acceptance. Jesus loved you when everything you were doing was against him. What kind of love is that? Pure, true love. Love that even in our ugliest, darkest, nastiest self Jesus died for us. He did not carry that cross and die on it because we were doing something good. Jesus was beaten, mocked, nailed to a cross and crucified for our sin. Our dark and ugly self. That is how much he loves us. He accepted us long before we chose to accept Him, There is no need to perform. We were saved by grace.

Grace, is what saves us, not our deeds. Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. (NIV)
Our life in Jesus is our gift from God He showed us grace, favor we do not deserve because He loves us and wants to know us. We can not receive gifts with our hands balled up into fists. We have to open our hands and accept and receive it. We often perform with our hands balled into fist and wonder were God is in our works.  We know in our heart he has saved us and we didn't earn it but our actions do not show that. We work without accepting the love. If we would dare to open up our hands, lift them up to the Jesus in anticipation of receiving those promises I wonder what our works would look like then? I am 100% convinced if we lived our life with our hands open we would shake this country to the core and revival would brake lose. I believe if we lifted up open hands and lived in the acceptance of Christ love for us the Holy Spirit would move in power. We our saved by grace, no need to perform.

I know what you may be thinking. So you are saying we are to be saved and then do nothing? Nope, not at all. The Bible says in Ephesians 2: 10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus  to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (NIV)
God has a plan for your life. He has set you apart to do good works. Frist before you can even begin to do those good works you have to accept His love and forgiveness. You need to realize He loves you and wants good for you. Then those good works you do will not be out of a need to perform. You will no longer feel like you have to do something good enough to earn salvation or pay Him back for what He did for you. You will do good works because the love you have for Christ will pore out of your life. It will never be an obligation but a privileged to serve the One and Only Jesus. Jesus' love will pour into your life and out as you work for Him.

If you are up for it I dare you to go somewhere and be still with God. Lay bare your heart to Him. Ask God to show you through the Holy Spirit if your works are performed out of His love for you or if you are trying to gain acceptance. Ask God to renew the joy of your salvation. Go to Him with all your heartache, worry, sadness, pain, joy and happiness. Sit still and let the maker of the Universe wrap his arms around you and just receive His love. Give Him your heart I promise He will give His back to you. He is faithful and true and loves you beyond measure. Nothing can keep you from His love.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels, nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
Come just as you are to Jesus, open your heart and your hands to receive His love. He loves you just the way you are. There is no need to perform.

I promise if Jesus can take a sinful, messed up, broken girl like me and make her beautiful He will do it for you. He just wants you. Just run to Him I DARE YOU!

P.S. If you can listen to David Crowder's "Come as you are". Google it, youtube, whatever it amazing.

Friday, January 16, 2015

He Sees

It's been a long week. You have worked over time and a half it seems. The report your boss asked you to do seemed completely impossible. However, you were up for the challenge and threw everything you had into it. Tons of out of the box thinking went into the report, as well as a lot of coffee to keep you up while working on it. The time comes to turn in the project and you are as giddy as a kid on Christmas Eve. As you turn in the report to your boss you stare intently at his face looking for the same excitement that is obvious on yours. Yet, all he does is grab the report from you and toss it into his inbox. Your face sags a little as your disappointment rises. Does he not know how much work went into that report? He didn't even look up from his computer screen. It was as if you were invisible.

Has that ever happened to you? That feeling of being invisible?

 Maybe you worked on a paper for school and put everything you had plus some into it. You turned it in believing with all your heart that it was the best paper the school has ever read. You eagerly await your grade only to find out you received a C! Average! How could that paper be average? How  could the teacher not see that it was anything but average? Invisible?

What about in your everyday life? Ever feel invisible there? You do all the extra steps. Get up a little early to make the coffee before your spouse is awake so its ready when they wake up. You make what seems like 80 lunches, and not one of them is even for you. You cook, pick up the kids, and all the chores and do it all without complaining. Not one thank you. It's just become expected. You say the same things over and over and no one remembers it. Invisible?

I have felt invisible. Truth be told I feel that way to often. Satan likes to put me in that place. I think he likes to whisper in my ear I am invisible because of the way it makes me feel. I feel rejected, all alone, unworthy of peoples time and of little importance to them. Then when I feel this way I tend to act out. Yes, act out like a little child. After all any attention is better than none, right? Wrong. I act out and get tons of negative attention and feel even more worthless. It is such a lie that satan feeds us. You are not invisible, God sees you.

God sees you. He sees me. Psalm 169:15-16 states clearly He has known you before you even were. He knit you together in your mothers womb. He saw you before anyone else. He numbered your days and planned them out. He saw you then and He sees you now. The prophet Job tells us that he sees us and counts our every step. (Job 31:4) He sees you and is so in love with you.

Though you may feel rejected by man, God never rejects you. Never. He is pleased to make you his own. For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, the LORD was pleased to make you his own. 1 Samuel 12:22. Pleased, yes pleased to make you his own. Let that sink in a moment. The King of all, the LORD God Almighty, is pleased to make you his own. You are not invisible to him. He does not reject you. He sees you and is pleased to make you his own. That makes me so excited. Excited to know I am so deeply cherished and loved that it pleases God to make me his own. Excited to know that no matter how much I mess up, and oh boy do I, he still will not reject me and he is pleased to make me his own.

He thinks you are so worthy.  He so loves you. You are worth every thorn, every beating, all the mocking, all the spit in his face. He loves you enough to take all your sin, and pay your debt so you can be right with God. He loves you so much he died for you.  You are loved by God. He sees you. You are valuable to him. He calls you his child. (1 John 3:1) You are a child of the King and he sees you. You are not invisible.

It doesn't matter what you have done or what you feel. He sees you. He knows you. He watches over you. He loves you. He loves you just the way you are. He accepts you and longs for you to accept his love and receive life. Life that is never ending in Him! Life that will be filled with trouble, but filled with peace, joy, love and more life than you can imagine. You are loved, accepted and seen by God. He sees you.

In those times you feel invisible remember he sees you. When satan takes those moments and whispers in your ear that you are rejected and worthless remember God sees you. Wield your sword, call on the power of Jesus' name, and remember God sees you. You are visible. You are worthy. You are loved. You are the child of the King. God sees you.

O Lord you have searched me and you know me,
You know when I sit and you know when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely O LORD
You hem me in - behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is to wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
Where can I go from you Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn
If I settle on the far side of the sea
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:1-10