Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Power In A Name


What's in a name? A couple constants and vowels put together to form a word. Our parents give us a name when we are born so the world has something to call us. Some names are precious and passed down in a family. Other names are chosen for what they mean, or because our parents just liked it. Personally I am glad we are not named like the Smurfs who get there names from their traits. I fear my mother would have to name me Spastic. I like Melissa so much better.

There is one name that has such great power in it. A name that is above all names, that at the sound of it every knee will bow and tongue confess that he is Jesus Christ our Lord. (Philippians 2:9-11) A name that all you need to do is call on it and you will be saved. There is power in the name of Jesus.
                                     And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Acts 2:21
JESUS, when you call on his name and believe in it with all that you are, you will be saved! He is the only way to salvation. He is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) There is power in the name of Jesus.

I was challenged to put that to the test through the books I had been reading and my personal Bible Study. To call on his name in times of need and trouble. Not a huge time of prayer, which is great, but a simple Jesus when I didn't know what else to do. There are times in my life, I am afraid they happen often, when my emotions get the better of me and I can not remember all those scripture I have memorized. So I tried it, to just say Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus and I was going to use that power. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. I believe its not just for salvation but saved from every situation life throws at us. Every situation that threatens to rips us away from Jesus. I was bound and determined to use the Power of Jesus' name.

One day while trying to get homework finished, debating on when we could go outside, and if they really needed another snack I said, "JESUS, JESUS, JESUS." All three kids stopped and stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I was shocked. They looked at me like they had never heard that name before. They all just stared at me. I am pretty sure they were thinking she has really gone crazy this time. They listened to rest of the afternoon, probably out of fear of another outburst. It worked or did it?

I tried a few more times and it just changed things for a little while.  I was jut saying Jesus to say it and not believing in what I was saying. It was a distraction and a means to get what I wanted. We often do things and expect God to work for us when we get something out of it. That's not how it works. He loves us and absolutely wants great things for us but he wants us to believe. There is power in the name of Jesus but we need to believe. Believe that at his name every knee will bow. Believe that there are angels in heaven right now singing day and night "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God all mighty. Who was and is and is to come." (Revelation 4:8) Believe that when you call on his name you will be saved. We must BELIEVE there is power in his name.

With a contrite heart I was determined to trust in the name of the Lord.  
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10)
That trust was put to test rather quickly. It had been a long day. The kind of day were nothing disastrous happened but everything seemed to go wrong. It was at the end of the day and I was at the end of my rope and my sweet 4 year old was at her strong willed worst.  As you can guess there was about to be a major explosion. There would be no fireworks because they are beautiful and what was about to happen was going to be gruesome.

It was bath time and I filled the tub to just the right level and temperature. Well at least I thought so. My sweet little one hopped in the tub and screamed at the top of her lungs, "It's too hot!" I rushed over plunged my hand in the water to find out the water was LUKEWARM! I calmly told her to sit down and take a bath. She not so calmly told me no and it was still hot. I calmly asked her to sit down and even added in a please. I guess the please made her mad because she screamed a little louder that it was too hot. The water may not have been hot but this momma was passed hot. I closed my eyes and sang with belief
                "Let it be Jesus, the first name that I call.
                  Let it be Jesus, my song inside the storm."
As I sang she started crying and telling me she couldn't sit down because the water was to hot. I looked at her and sang
                 "I'll never need another.
                   For me to live is Christ, For me to live is Christ."
Then in that moment she grabbed her heart and closed her eyes and sang
                "God I breath your name above everything
                  Let it be, Let it be Jesus."
We smiled at each other and she sat down and finished her bath. Eric was cracking up laughing in the next room. He had been cleaning up her room and heard the entire thing. I couldn't help but smile. Sure she needed to be corrected but in that moment if I would have it would have been in all the wrong way. I needed Jesus in that moment to save me from myself. I called on him and he showed up in POWER. Right there in my bathroom. His presence was thicker than the steam and thicker than my emotions. I called his name and he showed up. What could have turned into a nasty side of me turned into a moment of showing me sweet baby what happens when we breath God's name over everything. He shows up because there is power in the name of Jesus. I smiled too because I knew Jesus was smiling down at the two of us.

Jesus' namehas power. His name is a strong tower, a fortress, a refuge for us to run to and be safe. (Proverbs 18:10) When we call on his name we are saved. Speak it today. Speak his name and believe in it. Speak his name when you are feeling down. Speak his name when you feel like everything is going wrong. Speak his name when you feel like you just may go right back to that cycle of sin. Speak his name when you feel like your worst self. Speak his name there is Power in the name of Jesus. Try it today and believe it I promise he will show up.

*Let it be Jesus is sung by Christy Nockels and the Passion band. You should listen to it. Its amazing.*

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